在柯士甸路口. 有間平價粉麵檔. 不過門面太小, 不甚起眼.幸好三角男廁是它的地標. 要找這檔粉麵, 認著那個的士佬的三角廁所就得了.
蘭香賣的不只是一般魚旦粉. 價錢, 卻大致一律18大洋(貢丸賣23元). 平到爛.
最愛它的豬軟骨. 湯底很濃. 豬軟骨又多. 又是十八大洋. 係未好平呢??豬軟骨牛肚雙拼.
這個是牛腩河(味道如何, 不知道, 忘了問吃的那個人)
這裡的飯餐, 都很抵.
一大碗餸. 初來步到, 還以為阿姐弄錯了, 端來一個湯餸嚷著: 乜乜飯.... 哦...原來是白飯另上.
, 試過, 還是一般水準.
不過, 愛吃牛栢葉/雞腸/ 豬頸肉的話, 這裡都可以吃到很滿足. 代價只是18元.
回覆刪除蘭香 is a very famous noodle shop. 新蘭香 used the same site of old 蘭香. The original boss of old 蘭香 has passed away and succeed by his son. His son only continue the business for a few years. The taste of old 蘭香 is the best among all the fish balls and squid balls noodle shops in HK. The boss made all the stuff by himself inside the small backyard. He use 牙帶 to make the fish balls. Sam Hui used to have noodles in old 蘭香. There are other movie stars and TV artist who also like to have noodles in old 蘭香 during the 8Os. I am still mouthing whenever thinking of old 蘭香 . My pleasure to share with you the little history of old 蘭香.
回覆刪除音樂貓 係尖咀咋嘛 Thomas: 我無食過魚旦呀, 下次有機會試下.
回覆刪除I try 雞腸 last time. It's yummy.